18 June: Event ‘5G towards 6G for CitiVerse’

Next June 18 at OGR, the City of Turin in collaboration with the Turin Chamber of Commerce and the Italian Technology Cluster for Smart Communities are organizing an international event entitled 5G towards 6G for CitiVerse: how AI, IoT, Blockchain, and XR are driving urban innovation in future cities & communities.

The event aims to promote a lively debate among public authorities, research and industry on the practical applications of emerging 5-6G technologies for urban innovation, focusing in particular on the European concept of “CitiVerse.” This virtual ecosystem is conceived as a series of distributed and interconnected virtual worlds representing physical cities and offering citizens a wide range of virtual goods/services and environments.

The event, aimed at businesses (corporations, SMEs, start-ups), research players, government and entrepreneurship support organizations, will explore the transformational potential of 5G/6G technologies in various areas, including:

  • Smart and sustainable mobility
  • Safety and security
  • Entertainment, Culture, and Tourism
  • City Planning towards Climate Neutral Cities


For more information and registration details, click here.

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