The 5G4LIVES project is an initiative implemented across 2 geographic clusters: Latvia and Italy. The project aims to leverage 5G connectivity and other innovative technologies, such as UAVs (or drones) and alternative hydrogen power, to enhance public safety and environmental health. Project seeks to enable optimal emergency management and data-driven forecasting through real-time aerial situational awareness and automatic vulnerability assessment of at-risk areas. This will contribute to increased public and environmental safety, save lives, enable forecasting of potential danger.
The 5G4LIVES project will also conduct studies to map and develop safety protocols and procedures for drone flying over urban areas in Riga and validate a joint methodology for beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) flights that will be also valid at the EU level. Communication activities will target local, national and EU cities and networks, informing on new technology-enabled business solutions.
European partners
Rigas Pilsetas Pasvaldiba (LV) Coordinator, Latvijas Mobilais Telefons SIA (LV), Biedriba Vefresh (LV), Valsts Akciju Sabiedriba Elektroniskie Sakari (LV), WIND TRE SPA (IT), Comune di Torino (IT), Politecnico di Torino (IT).
The project in Torino
The project partners in Torino will develop a 5G-enabled real-time situational awareness and vulnerability assessment service to mitigate the threat and impact of natural disasters in the local hills. This use case will also involve the testing and implementation of 5G-enabled anti-drone-hacking technology, as well as studies on how best to integrate satellite data, making it interoperable with that acquired by drones. This will improve pilot drone command and control, mission planning and accurate real-time tracking of the moving vehicle, as well as support the identification, extension and analysis of vulnerabilities.
As part of this task, the partners will design the use case differentiating the two different scenarios that will be realised (one for each intended use case. While one use case will test and evaluate the effectiveness and performance of UAVs in the management of an ongoing emergency, providing aerial situational awareness, the other will focus on the deployment of UAVs during an aerial monitoring mission to test and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the service in the context of data collection and processing at a critical site – to be selected during the project life cycle to ensure strategic needs are met.
Concrete actions
The 5G4LIVES project aims to use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with infrared solutions, which enable the effective detection of live objects and fires and the control of large areas. These technologies are crucial for municipal police and rescue workers to react in a timely manner during search and rescue operations for people in distress or missing persons. Without these technologies, search and rescue activities will consume more resources and time and reduce the chances of survival, especially for children. In addition, fire outbreaks will not be detected and dealt with in a timely manner, resulting in greater material losses, injuries and even deaths. Crime prevention will be less effective and will require more time and effort. Project stakeholders, including the state police, other municipalities and educational institutions, will not benefit from the added value of this technology if it is not supported.
The City of Torino and the mobile phone operator Wind3 are implementing similar technologies to improve the quality of rescue missions and have also identified other possible alternative solutions. The transition to green energy is a crucial aspect of the project and thanks to the partnership with Wind3, the project aims not only to provide life-saving solutions, but also to contribute to a more sustainable future.
This project was funded by the CONNECTING EUROPE FACILITY – 5G FOR SMART COMMUNITIES programme under grant agreement No. 101133716.
EU contribution to the city of Torino
Project duration in months