ESF+ SI ecosystem, collaboration model between key stakeholders

Last week, the City of Torino hosted 68 participants from 19 EU Member States for the Community of Practice on Social Innovation onsite event, ‘ESF+ SI ecosystem, collaboration model between key stakeholders – analysis of a local urban social innovation ecosystem’.

The event was organised in close collaboration with the Italian ESF+ authorities and the National Competence Centre, and aimed to deepen understanding of the collaborations and enabling factors that build and sustain social innovation ecosystems, with particular attention to the role of ESF+ funding and the key stakeholders who manage or benefit from it.

It opened in the wonderful venue of Palazzo Madama, chosen for its historical significance and its social value.
After the welcome by Chiara Foglietta, Deputy Mayor for Ecological and Digital Transition, Environment and Innovation of the City of Torino followed an inspirational pitch by Mario Calderini about ‘How to develop an urban social innovation ecosystem? ‘, the first day ended with a a round table discussion with Patrizia Saroglia, Mario Vottero and Tomas De Groote, moderated by Armelle LEDAN on ‘Competence Centres for Social Innovation: roles and enabling factors in urban ecosystems’ (exchange between Italian NCC and other EU NCCs).

On 6th and 7th November the meeting was held at Open Incet: after a very interesting debate with key stakeholders, sharing insights, strategies, and challenges the partecipants discovered some examples of local urban social innovation ecosystem in Torino as:

  • Panacea Social Farm and Bagni Pubblici di via Aglie
  • Portineria di Comunità Porta Palazzo
  • Casa del Quartiere San Salvario
  • Pandan