The goal of the CLIMABOROUGH project is to bridge the gap between design and implementation of urban innovations, especially in the face of the climate emergency and the resulting mitigation and adaptation needs that cities must meet in order to protect their citizens.
CLIMABOROUGH aims to define and test three innovative concepts:
The ultimate goal of the project is to pursue systemic transformation, supported by city-friendly climate services, accompanied by a strategic, long-term and holistic approach aimed at investing in climate action, along with new city governance.
Associazione Nazionale dei Comuni Italiani della Toscana (IT), Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon (DE), Institut Mines-Telecom (FR), Norges Teknisk-Naturavitenskplapelige Universitat (NO), University of Aalborg (DK), Politecnico di Milano (IT); Syndicat Intercommunal de Gestion Informatique (LUX), Daten-Kompetenzzentrum Städte und Regionen (DE), Links Foundation (IT), Urban Lab (IT), Energy Cities (FR), E-Zavod (SI), City of Sofia (BG), City of Torino (IT); City of Ioannina (GR), Città di Maribor (SI), ZUM urbanizem, planiranje, projektiranje d.o.o. (SI), City of Athens (GR), City of Cascais (PT), City of Differdange (LUX), Grenoble-Alpes-Metropole (FR); City of Krk (HR); City of Katowice (PL), City di Pilsen (CZ), City of Prijedor (BA), Agenzia di Sviluppo PREDA Prijedor (BA); City of Podgorica (ME), Issy Media – City of Issy-les-Moulineaux (FR).
The City of Torino will work as a leading city in the area of circular economy and waste. First, the main critical issues the city is facing will have to be identified in order to define priorities for action and needs, and the challenge subject of the innovation procurement process will be indicated. The project coordinator, Anci Toscana, will select with appropriate tender 2 innovative subjects that can solve the challenge of the city of Torino.
A Living Lab will then take place in which the city will test the two selected solutions and share the results with the network of CLIMABOROUGH cities. The city of Torino will simultaneously be a follower on the topic of urban mobility and energy and will thus be able to observe the innovative solutions proposed in other cities.
Thanks to the “Climate Sandbox” the city will be able to assess how from the experimental actions it is possible to act on the city’s planning, while thanks to the “Climate Service” it will be possible to assess in advance and predict the impacts of the chosen actions, as well as hypothesize their replicability.
The city will feature a Living Lab with two winning proposals from the innovation call that will try to solve the city’s selected challenge on circular economy and waste.
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 101079912.
EU contribution to the city of Torino
Project duration in months