COMMONAIR promotes new governance models based on a bottom-up “citizen science” approach to monitor cities microclimate at the local scale with and by citizens. The project involves the Politecnico of Torino, the University of Technology of Wien, The University of Applied Science of Zurich and the Municipalities of Torino and Grenoble. COMMONAIR seeks to bridge the gap between science-based methods, involvement of the public and policy implementation by local governments. Temperature, public open spaces comfort and air quality measurement made by citizen target groups, including students, NGOs, with experts’ support will be the starting point of informed local debate and appropriate policy making. Additional data for research will be provided raising citizens willingness for adaptation actions. The data collected will be a valuable resource for the development of governance models, for the pursuit of research purposes and for increasing citizens’ willingness to undertake adaptation actions.
Politecnico di Torino (ITA) – Capofila, Comune di Torino (ITA), University of Technology di Vienna (AT), University of Applied Science di Zurigo (CH), Città di Grenoble (FR).
Torino, together with Grenoble, will be a pilot city where microclimatic data will be collected, analyzed, and discussed. Specifically, for the territory of the Metropolitan City of Torino, District 6 of the Municipality of Torino will be involved, with the participation of students from San Carlo High School, as well as the municipalities of Avigliana and Torre Pellice.
The data collected will serve as a starting point for thematic workshops aimed at increasing community knowledge of climate change and the necessary adaptation policies. All partners and selected observers will participate in the round table with representatives from different levels of government to develop and implement the governance model and process through the “Cooperation Pacts – Community Climate Sentinel.”
The project’s main activities shared by all the partners will be:
– simulation and measurements in pilot areas and public spaces in the partner cities: squares, open markets, green areas, school grounds, private open spaces, households, etc.
– participative activities facilitating new actions (e.g. workshops with schools, citizens) and
governance principles for climate adaptation
– sharing results at the transnational level, including the Alpine Region EUSALP Action Group 8 “Risk Governance” and the Climate Adaptation Platform for the Alps (CAPA) platform.
This project was co-funded by the Interreg Alpine Space program under grant contract n.ASP0600490.
EU contribution to the city of Torino
Months project duration