Fővárosi Csatornázási Művek Zrt. (HU), Poliedra – Centro di servizio e consulenza del Politecnico di Milano su pianificazione ambientale e territoriale (IT), Mariborski vodovod, javno podjetje, d.d. e E-zavod (SI), Miasto Bydgoszcz e Fundacja Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju (PL), Javna ustanova RERA SD za koordinacijui razvoj Splitsko dalmatinske županije e Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o. Split (HR), Fachvereinig ung Betriebsund Regenwasse rnutzung e.V. (DE).
The goal of the project is to introduce and promote water efficiency measures and the reuse of unconventional local water resources, such as rainwater and graywater, for public and domestic purposes in and around public and residential buildings in order to reduce water consumption and relieve pressure on over-exploited water resources in functional urban areas. At the same time, rainwater reuse will go a long way toward reducing the negative impact of intense weather events.
The specific investment planned by the City of Turin is aimed at introducing green roofing technology to create an outdoor roof garden with aeroponic cultivation.
The City of Turin implements the following actions:
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101004605.
EU contribution to the City of Torino
Project duration in months