eviDEnce and Cloud for more InformeD and effective pOlicies

The mission of DECIDO, financed by the research and innovation project Hrizon2020, is to demonstrate the groundbreaking impact of the adoption of innovative methodologies, tools and data enabling the effective development of better evidence-based policies by public authorities. DECIDO will link Public Administrations to the data and compute infrastructure of the European Open Science Cloud – EOSC, piloting the access and exploitation of a great wealth of additional resources. The project will identify and assess the benefits and limitations of the use of current big data methodologies and infrastructures in policy making in several domains.
To this end, the project will pilot the access and use of EOSC resources in different exploitation scenarios – demonstrating the value of collaboration, technology transfer and cross-pollination in 4 flagship pilot activities in the following disaster risk management domains: floods, fires and power outage in 4 EU states (Italy, Finland, Spain and Greece).

European partners

Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. (IT), Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation (ES), The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal asbl (BE), Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (DE), Kpeople Research Foundation (MT), Stichting Egi (NL), Ey Advisory Spa (IT), National Technical University Of Athens – NTUA (EL), Kajaanin Kaupunki (FI), Kajaanin Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (FI), Volontariato Torino (IT), Diktyo Poleon Gia Ti Viosimi Anaptyxi KaiKykliki Oikonomia (EL), Fundacion Ibercivis (ES).

Project in Torino

The City of Torino, through the DECIDO project, in cooperation with the local partner Volontariato Torino, is responsible for the pilot action regarding disaster risk management related to flood events in the Meisino area.

Practical steps

To improve the civil protection policies regarding the management, preparedness and response to flood events taking advantage of big data, as for example satellite data or hydro-meteorological models (e.g. data and services from the European and Global Flood system) and data from the Regional Environmental Agency as well as data collected by citizens and volunteers, and AI to perform flood forecasts, have a clear and real time picture of the situation and store in the cloud data for further analysis and debriefing activities. The data collected during the flood event is analysed (evidence) to update policies and improve process effectiveness, reducing response time to flooding events.
Co-creation activities are foreseen, to involve residents, civil protection personnel, emergency volunteer corps and local NGOs in training and awareness processes on the flood risks as well as on the methods and platforms to be used to communicate their real time data and to request and/or offer help.


  • Total budget of the project: € 3.929.587,50
  • EU contribution to the City of Torino: € 65.625,00 (funded 100% by European Union)
  • Partners: 13

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation under grant agreement N° 101004605.


EU contribution to the City of Torino




Project duration in months