The DESIRE project will support the implementation of some pilot sub-projects which will act as “lighthouse demonstrators” throughout the European Union and in associated countries. Demonstrators will have to embrace the key principles of the NEB initiative (sustainability, inclusion and aesthetics), using architecture, design and culture as fundamental resources for a sustainable society, and the mission-oriented approach (impacting, measurable, targeted ) in an innovative and exemplary way.
During the two years of the project they will have to face some important challenges including:
European partners
Foreningen Bloxhub (Coordinator) (DK), Design Society Fond (DK), Confederation Of Danish Industries (DK), Aalborg Universitet (DK), Dansk Arkitektur Center (Fond) (DK), Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Knowledge Hub Zealand (DK), Domea (DK), Danske Arkitektvirksomheder (DK), Cer Partnerstvo Zavod Za Trajnostno Gospodarstvo, Ljubljana (SI), Gxn As (DK), Riga City Council (LV), Politecnico Di Milano (IT), Nxt Aps (DK), Fonden Chart (DK), Kairos Consorzio Di Cooperative Sociali – Societa Cooperativa Sociale O.N.L.U.S (IT), Plusvalue Italy Srl Societa Benefit (IT), Stichting Samenwonen-Samenleven (NL), Stichting The Beach (NL), Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler For Arkitektur (DK), Design Og Konservering, Blagovno Trgovinski Center Dd (SI).
The project in Torino
Thanks to the DESIRE project, the City of Turin in close collaboration with KAIROS aspires to regenerate the territory of Falchera, starting from Cascina Falchera and involving other key areas of the area such as its lakes. In the past years the Falchera district has been characterized as an area of high social disadvantage with various individuals living in conditions of marginalization and difficulty. The main challenge is to transform the Falchera area based on the concept of circularity in terms of social, economic and environmental sustainability.
The ambition of the project on our territory is to revitalize the Falchera area and enhance its historical links with water and other natural elements by reconnecting its inhabitants, and especially the new generations, to natural spaces and to their biodiversity. To facilitate this, we want to make Cascina Falchera a local hub following an open community perspective, thus becoming a point of reference for all citizens.
Concrete actions
Specifically, the City of Turin in close collaboration with KAIROS and in agreement with the newly formed New European Bauhaus Turin Promoting Committee intends with this application to produce an action plan to act on Falchera, starting from Cascina Falchera, recently granted in concession by the City. of Turin to the Kairos consortium.
The action plan will be developed to act on three areas:
The numbers
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 101079912.
Contribution EU to the City of Torino
Project duration in months