In the framework of the IURC European programme for the international cooperation among cities and regions, the City of Torino has been selected for a two-years cooperation project involving the City of Nagoya, Japan. The two territories, already counting on solid relations since their twinning agreement signed in 2005, have similar characteristics, considering their common background connected to the automotive industry. Moreover, they have a common vision with respect to the role of the public administrations as enablers of the local ecosystems and attractors of competences and know-how, in order to favor innovation and the transition towards more just, inclusive and smart cities.
Starting from this common ground, Torino and Nagoya are committed to develop a programme of exchanges, study visits, sharing of good practices on the topic of innovation applied to the urban context, involving all those local actors that can bring added value and share replicable experiences.
City of Torino (IT), City of Nagoya (JP).
The City of Torino aims to offer its Japanese partners the possibility to know better the initiatives supported first of all by the city administration, but also those promoted by other local stakeholders, for the development of innovation at the urban scale.
Among the most relevant experiences:
During the 2-years exchange, Torino and Nagoya are committed to create a programme of mutual learning through online webinars, study visits and cluster activities also involving other cities interested in urban innovation.
The final goal is to present the Torino area as a favorable and attractive place for the settlement of Japanese companies interested to develop and test innovative tech solutions in the urban field, or to develop projects with a high social impact.
Moreover, the City of Torino intends to offer its local ecosystem of stakeholders the opportunity to better know the Japanese context, as a possible opportunity for new alliances and partnerships.
Project duration in months