Nine Italian cities (9MCs) have been selected by the European Commission for the Mission “100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030” (Bergamo, Bologna, Firenze, Milano, Padova, Parma, Prato, Roma, Torino). These will ‘team up’ to enhance innovation in the transition pathway, becoming driving forces for other cities thanks to systemic change, replicability and scalability of the implemented strategies.
In particular, Let’sGOv focuses on reducing energy system-related emissions through the exploration of enhanced governance models to agree on new forms of energy alliances, unlock new financial sources for the energy transition, and define the conditions for energy-enhanced multi-level governance, as this was identified as one of the main bottlenecks in accelerating climate neutrality.
The 9MCs will co-create and deliver a set of solutions on such thematic clusters (Engagement, Data, Finance). Exchanges between cities and collaboration with wider networks will contribute in overcoming silos approaches and test new forms of shared, multilevel governance for urban energy efficiency systems.
Municipality of Bergamo (IT), Municipality of Bologna (IT) – Project Coordinator, Municipality of Milan (IT), Municipality of Florence (IT), Municipality of Padua (IT), Municipality of Parma (IT), Municipality of Prato (IT), Municipality of Rome (IT), Municipality of Torino (IT), AESS – Agenzia per l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (IT), Politecnico di Torino / Energy Center (IT), Università degli Studi di Bologna (IT).
Torino has identified the topic of renewable energy communities as key in accelerating clean energy transition. In fact, collective and citizen-driven energy actions bring along many positive impacts, such as an increased public acceptance and knowledge on the topic of renewable energy, the attraction of private investments, and the empowerment of citizens as energy prosumers as energy is harnessed and costs and produced CO2 are reduced.
As there is an increasing interest on this topic, Torino will explore opportunities and barriers related to the implementation of energy communities by:
Focusing on the “Engagement” cluster, Torino will work together with local stakeholders and citizens to share knowledge and find ways to facilitate new forms of multi-level governance, trying to overcome current technical and legislative limits.
Through the engagement of key stakeholders and the support of Politecnico di Torino, the city will analyse current trends and gaps of knowledge in the field of energy communities. Opportunities and barriers offered by current legislative, administrative and technical frameworks will be explored. Among the potential actions, the City will map out public buildings/spaces that might host renewable energy systems.
Moreover, Torino will work with key stakeholders to possibly develop experimental, innovative forms of public-private partnership in the context of energy community systems and through multi-level governance.
The pilot actions will include a series of co-creation workshops and dissemination activities, connecting with the overall citizen/stakeholder engagement plan as a EU Mission City.
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No.101036519.
EU contribution to the city of Torino
Project duration in months