Supporting the integration of New European Bauhaus values and principles into the regional planning processes

The New European Bauhaus (NEB) was launched by the European Commission to translate the European Green Deal into tangible change on the ground improving the citizens’ quality of life.
The New European Bauhaus aims at creating a new lifestyle that matches sustainability with good design, that needs less carbon and that is inclusive and affordable for all, while respecting the diversity that we have in Europe and beyond.
One of the main challenges for the NEB is to support and incentivize innovative and transdisciplinary projects that embody its values. Therefore, it is important to design instruments to ensure access to resources and thereby boost innovation potential and support inclusion across cities and regions.
The project thus aims to support territorial authorities to integrate NEB principles into their policies and activities, focusing on the transition towards more sustainable cities.

European partners

Lithuanian Innovation Center (LT – led partner), City of Panevežys (LT), City of Stara Zagora (BG), City of Elverum (NO), Donegal County (IE), City of Leeuwarden (NL), University of Torino (IT), City of Torino (IT).

The project in Torino

The City of Torino, intermediary body of the National Programme Metro Plus 2021-2027 (PN Metro Plus), has included in its operational programme a clear reference to the New European Bauhaus as a set of guiding principles to plan urban development interventions.
Beauty, inclusiveness and sustainability thus become values to be safeguarded into the projects that potential beneficiaries of the PN Metro Plus are going to submit to the City of Torino.
The NEBA project will support the local actors in better understanding the NEB principles and their possible application to concrete project proposals. On the other side, thanks to the international partnership, it will be possible to examine how the NEB is applied in other EU contexts, aiming to transfer and adapt possible common solutions.

Concrete actions

In the framework of NEBA, the City of Torino is committed to reach the following objectives:

  • Correctly applying the NEB principles to the PN Metro Plus, and demonstrate their impact on the concrete projects supported by the programme;
  • Identify, at partnership level, at least 16 good practices related to sustainable urban development to be potentially replicated and adapted at local level;
  • Training a team of civil servants on how to apply the NEB principles to concrete projects;
  • Involving and training a number of local stakeholders, also by sharing good practices an experiences acquired through the exchange with the EU partners.


  • EU contribution to the City of Torino: € 199.900,00
  • Project duration in months: 48 
  • Partners: 8

This project was funded by the INTERREG EUROPE programme.


EU contribution to the city of Torino




Project duration in months