Protect Allied Cities against TErrorism in Securing Urban aReas 2

PACTESUR2 will involve 4 cities strongly invested in proactive safety policies (Nice, Madrid, Torino and Liège), 12 follower cities and all European cities reached through the Efus and ANCI Piemonte networks. The project will aim to improve the protection of public spaces by promoting the development and implementation of good practices at local level.
Through the organisation of high-level training courses for local police forces and the exchange of local police forces between partner cities, the aim is to improve the skills of our local police forces, to enable a rapid dissemination of best practices and to strengthen the image of cooperation between the police forces of different European cities.

European partners

Ville de Nice (FR), Municipality of Torino (IT), Ayuntamiento de Madrid (ES), Ville de Liège (BE), FESU – Forum Européen pour la sécurité urbaine (FR), ANCI – Associazione Nazionale Comune Italiani Sezione Piemontese (IT).

The project in Torino

The City of Torino with the Local Police will develop and realise virtual reality scenarios for the Academies that are planned in:

  • Nice in June 2024
  • Madrid in November 2024
  • Torino in May 2025

Concrete actions

The Local Police of the City of Torino will equip itself with about 15 visors that will be used during the Academy days that will take place in early 2025.


  • EU contribution to the City of Torino: € 233,604.53
  • Project duration in months: 24 
  • Partners: 6

This project received financial support from the Internal Security Fund – Police under grant agreement No. 101100482.


EU contribution to the city of Torino




Project duration in months