SMEs engagement for a GREEN transition

SME4GREEN will provide support to at least 120 PMI to lead the dual green and digital transition through the implementation of actions aimed at directing the local economy of Torino (Italy) and Ilfov (Romania) towards a sustainable and inclusive path.

European partners

Grupul de Consultanta Pentru Dezvoltare DCG SRL (RO), Judetul Ilfov – Consiliul Judetean (RO) – Lead Partner, Asociata Magurele Science Park (RO), Parco Scientifico Tecnologico per l’Ambiente Environment Park Torino (IT).

The project in Torino

The project will establish and start the implementation of two local green deals in Turin and Ilfov, mobilizing local stakeholders towards a new, sustainable and inclusive recovery. This process will draw inspiration from the city of Amsterdam (Netherlands), a leading example in the field of green. The projects also aim to revive transnational cooperation and learning through the exchange of experiences between local administrations and local businesses in Turin (Italy) and Ilfov (Romania) in order to face the most urgent urban and local challenges related to the transition. green of the local economy.

Pratical steps

SME4GREEN will achieve its objectives by first evaluating the local contexts for the definition of Local Green Deals. The latter will arise from collaboration with local stakeholders, including the appointment of a steering committee, during mutual exchange workshops. Furthermore, two high-value pilot projects will be implemented to develop at least 5 crowdfunding campaigns, in order to support the PMI of the two local communities towards ecological transformation. All stakeholders will participate in activities aimed at strengthening the knowledge and tools best suited to their needs: training and mentoring for PMI (including EU funds and crowdfunding), exchange of good practices with the city of Amsterdam and workshops for members of the steering groups.


  • UE Contribution to the City of Torino: € 41.516,00 
  • Project duration: 24 months
  • Partners: 4 

This project received funding from the COSME-LGD (Local Green Deals) program under Grant Agreement No. 101074102.


Contribution EU to the City of Torino




Project duration in months