Turning cIties Planning actionS for Positive Energy Districts into success

TIPS4PED will design, develop and test the effectiveness and technical-economic feasibility of a platform based on the creation of a digital twin model (Digital Twin) to support municipalities in implementing positive energy districts (PEDs). The project will adopt a people-centred approach, involving, training and empowering citizens and potential stakeholders. Positive Energy Districts require integration between buildings, users and the energy network, mobility and IT systems. A Positive Energy Urban Energy District – which is an energy and C02 self-sufficient urban environment – combines the built environment, mobility, sustainable production and consumption to increase energy efficiency and decrease greenhouse gas emissions and to create added value for citizens. Positive Energy Districts also require integration between buildings, users and the energy network, mobility and IT systems. The TIPS4PED solutions will be tested in Turin, chosen as the flagship city (Light House), while replicability studies will be conducted in three follower cities (Cork, Kozani and Budapest). The testing and replicability phase will lead to the creation of four digital twin cities and decarbonisation maps.

European partners

RINA CONSULTING S.p.A. (Capofila), Fondazione Links – Leading Innovation & Knowled; Ies R&D; Polis; Iclei European Secretariat Gmbh (Iclei Europasekr); Factual Consulting Sl; Lappeenrannan-Lahden Teknillinen Yliopisto Lut; Fundacion Circe Centro De Investigacion De Recures; Iren Spa; Iren Smart Solutions Spa; Politecnico Di Torino; Dimos Kozanis; Cluster Viooikonomias Kai Perivallontos Dytikis Mel; Cork City Council; University College Cork – National University Of I Ie; Budapest Fovaros X. Kerulet Kobanyai Onkormany; Daedalus Digital Kft.

The project in Torino

As part of the project, the selected district will test the 3 TIPS4PED IAP tools (Feasibility, Design/Road Mapping and Operational), aiming to pave the way for the realisation of the first DPE in Turin and to show the potential of increasing the installed capacity of renewable energy in densely populated urban areas and buildings with limited floor space. The municipality expects to have synergetic communication with stakeholders, involving students and local inhabitants and building on ongoing initiatives such as Torino City Lab and Torino Social Impact.

Concrete actions

The TIPS4PED solutions will be tested in a LightHouse city (Turin), where the Integrated Action Plan will be linked to a monitoring system for real-time asset management, while replication studies will be conducted in three follower cities (Cork, Kozani and Budapest). The testing and replication phase will lead to the creation of four digital twin cities and decarbonisation maps. TIPS4PED aims to suggest scalable and easily replicable technologies and digital optimisation as key solutions to achieve the EU 2030 targets, taking into account the various market circumstances and environmental, safety and regulatory aspects. The implementation, monitoring and operation of the PED solutions will focus on 2 test areas:

– Test Area#1 – Energy Center consisting of 5,000 m2 of office space, accommodating approximately 200 occupants, and an auditorium of approximately 120 people

– Test Area#2 – City of Turin’s office area, consisting of 2 existing office buildings with more than 150 employees and 1 parking area, covering approximately 5,000 m2.


  • EU contribution to the City of Torino: € 305,000.00
  • Project duration in months: 42 
  • Partners: 17

This project was funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 101139633.


EU contribution to the city of Torino




Project duration in months