Integrated, Circular, and Digitally Supported Sustainable Solutions for Waste Minimization and Carbon Storage In Buildings and the Construction Sector

WOODCIRCLES will contribute significantly to reducing the impact of the construction sector by developing innovative circular solutions for the use of wood in construction that will help reduce Europe’s dependence on nonrenewable resources, cut greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste generation, and provide long-term carbon sinks and substitution of fossil-based and carbon-intensive products, both in timbers used for construction or renovation and in fixtures or furnishings, including those used in public spaces.

Based on identified needs and market potentials, the consortium will develop:

  • new value chains for the upcycling of wood waste materials
  • optimized design 
    materials made from wood waste
  • optimized construction system solutions for disassembly,
  • in order to significantly increase wood recycling rates in construction.

Active involvement of partner cities and their building ecosystems through technical and thematic co-engagement activities to increase project uptake will be at the heart of the project. All materials, components and prototype systems developed will be fully demonstrated, tested and documented-including sustainability assessment-for immediate commercialization.

The goal of the project is to test components and prototypes and fully document them-including sustainability assessment-for immediate market deployment. Based on the developments, recommendations will be provided for new or updated technical specifications harmonized with European directives and Eurocodes.

European partners

Teknologisk Institut (DK), Waugh Thistleton Architects Limited (UK), Enemaerke & Petersen As (DK), Stora Enso (FI), The Chancellor Masters And Scholars Of The University Of Cambridge (UK), Urbasofia Srl (RO), Ramboll Danmark (DK), Trimble Solutions Oy (FI), Scandi Scandi Byg As (SV), Fundacio Ent (ES), Comune Di Torino (ITA), Environment Park (ITA), Folkhem Trä Ab (SV), Woodfiber Aps (DK), stichting hogeschool van amsterdam (NL), Gemeente Rotterdam (NL), Fondazione Icons (ITA), Tartu Linn (EE), 011h Sustainable Construction Sl (ES), Easyscience- Verein Zur Förderung Der Vermittlung Von Forschung, Technologie Und Innovation (AU), Rotho Blaas Srl (ITA), Iren Spa Italy Partner (ITA), Iren Ambiente (ITA).

The project in Torino

The City of Torino will work together with other cities (Rotterdam in the Netherlands and Tartu in Estonia) in building a community of knowledge and practice in order to reduce the production of wood waste, improve the recovery of such materials at demolition sites, and acquire new design methods based on the principles of the circular economy (Design for Manufacture, Assembly and Disassembly) using wood as a construction material.

Concrete actions

In collaboration with Envipark and Iren, demolition wood from three construction sites in the city will be recovered and guidelines will be drafted to be used for wider application of recovery and recycling methods. The recycled material will be used to make innovative street furniture.

A prototype wooden building will be co-created within the project and will be assembled and disassembled in each partner city as an applied example of a new way of thinking about building design and construction.


  • EU contribution to the City of Torino: €   175.00,00
  • Project duration in months: 48 
  • Partners: 18

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 101082184.


EU contribution to Città di Torino




Project duration in months