Tutti i Progetti

In corso

Go Back Supporting the integration of New European Bauhaus…
Go Back Better rights in better civic space. Understanding,…
Go Back Evaluation and validation of connected mobility in…
Go Back 5G for a Better Tomorrow: Protecting Lives…
Go Back Turning cIties Planning actionS for Positive Energy…
Go Back Protect Allied Cities against TErrorism in Securing…
Go Back Urban transformation, river reconquest and park creation…
Go Back Governing the Transition through Pilot Actions Nove…
Go Back Social Ecosystems for Fair and Inclusive Transitions…
Go Back FEMACT Cities consentirà a 8 città europee…
Go Back Integrated, Circular, and Digitally Supported Sustainable Solutions…
Go Back Creating a sustainable model for urban fringe…
Go Back TRials supported by Smart Networks beyond 5G…
Go Back Local engagement of citizens in the co-creation…
Go Back CONText-aware Verifiable and adaptIve dyNamiC dEliberation Negli…
Go Back Enviromental Crimes’ Intelligence and Investigation Protocol Based…
Go Back Design the Irresistible Circular Society Il progetto…
Go Back SMEs engagement for a GREEN transition SME4GREEN…
Go Back International Urban and Regional Cooperation Nel quadro…
Go Back Innovative Approaches to Urban Security Attraverso un…
Go Back Large demonstratIoN of user CentrIc urban and…
Go Back Favorire la trasformazione del sistema alimentare urbano…
Go Back CO-producing NBS and restored Ecosystems – transdisciplinary…
Go Back Evidenza e cloud per politiche più consapevoli…


Tredici città hanno collaborato su oltre 60 misure in…
Go Back REgional Social economy POlicies for sustaiNable community-DrivenEnvironmental…
Go Back A European Positive Sum Approach towards AI…
Go Back Facilitating public & private security operators to…
Go Back CONNEcting Cities Towards Integration actiON CONNECTION –…
Go Back Modello di governance comunitaria nella rigenerazione urbana…
Go Back Collaborative Tools for Cities in Urban Regeneration…
Go Back Alpine Social Innovation Strategy L’obiettivo del progetto…
Go Back Social innovation EcosystEm Development Il progetto SEED…
Go Back Smart Solutions supporting Low Emission Zones and…
Go Back Sustainable MED Cities La sfida affrontata da…
Go Back An open, sustainable, ubiquitous data and service…
Go Back Galileo-based trusted Applications for health and sustainability…
Go Back Smart-Taylored L-category Electric Vehicle demonstration in hEtherogeneous…
Go Back Holistic Approach for Providing Spatial & Transport…
Go Back Integrati, Uniti, Protagonisti Il progetto, finanziato dal…
Go Back Smart mobility, media and e-health for tourists…


Go Back Digital Disruptive Technologies To Co-Create, Co-Produce And…
Go Back Volunteering Activities to Leverage Urban and European…
Go Back SUPport Everyday fight Against Racism Il progetto…
Go Back The collaborative management of urban commons to…
Go Back Low carbon urban morphologies Il progetto, finanziato…
Go Back Management Of Networked IoT Wearables – Very…
Go Back Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in…
Go Back Supporting Urban Integrated Transport Systems: Transferable tools…
Go Back Transport Innovation Gender Observatory TInnGO, è un…
Go Back Proteggere le città alleate contro il terrorismo…
Go Back Innovazione sociale per la sicurezza del lungo…
Go Back European Validation Platform for Extensive trials 5G-EVE…
Go Back European Validation Platform for Extensive trials Nel…
Go Back Infrastrutture verdi per la rigenerazione urbana inclusiva…
Go Back Towards We-Government: collective and participative approaches for…